Learmonth Manor 216 - Catalina Village

Learmonth Manor 216





Rediscover yourself in retirement by living on a grand scale. Our most impressive home design, the Learmonth Manor, is as feature-rich as it is spacious. In addition to our iconic raked ceilings, accessible floorplan, and sundrenched living areas, its substantial inclusions and elite optional extras are unique to this design.

Exuding charm and excellence, you’ll be treated to double vanities, a three-way bathroom, and a bathtub to soothe any weary muscles. Entertainers will love the open-plan living and dining spaces with seamless flow through to a sensational alfresco perfectly established in your private garden.

The Learmonth Manor has been cleverly designed to comply with the very latest accessibility codes offering wider doorways and hallways, non-slip tiles, a fully accessible kitchen, and a master bedroom with an ensuite.

Infused with style and sophistication, the sheer size of this home will allow you to downsize without feeling like you have.

Spanning 216sqm, you’ll retire in luxury in the Learmonth Manor.

  • High Ceilings (2.7m)
  • Tiled Porch/Entry
  • Oversized Double Garage
  • Ensuite & WIR
  • Raked Ceiling to Living/Dining/Kitchen
  • Kitchen with Island Bench
  • Alfresco Entertaining Area
  • Study

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